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VisualRinominaFile is organized in 3 steps.


First step to rename files: select a directory

In this step you must select the folder containing files to rename. The subdirectories or files contained in subdirectories would not be renamed.

Step 2:

  Second step to rename files: filters selection

In left list are filters that you can use to format file names. Some filters are configurable. In the "Filters" section there is a description about the filters. In the right list are filters inserted with the ">>" button. To remove a filter, you can use the "<<" button. To modify a filter, double click on it. Only configurable filters can be modified.

Step 3:

Third step to rename files: show preview, with old and new file names

In this step is show a preview. Left list: old file names. Right list: new file names.

At this point you can choose if modify/remove/add filters ("<< Back"), or rename files ("Go!").

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